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Christian Relationship Devotional: Jesus Practiced Boundaries

Do you wonder whether Jesus practiced boundaries? Christians often believe they shouldn’t have boundaries in their relationships. One of the roots of this erroneous belief is a view of Jesus as passive, non-assertive, and non-confrontational. Misguided believers then accept that they should act this way too. But Jesus did practice setting healthy boundaries, so nothing could be further from the truth.

At only twelve years of age, Jesus had so much authority that people were amazed at his understanding and wisdom (Luke 2:46-50). As he matured, people became so agitated over his claims and the manner in which he spoke to them that they wanted to kill him.

Boundaries have to do with stating your truth, living true to your purpose, and setting limits in order to protect, control, and take care of yourself. Jesus did all these things.>

  • Jesus rested by withdrawing from crowds, even though people needed his message and healing. He took care of himself by praying, eating, resting, and fellowshipping with his disciples (Matthew 14:23a).
  • Jesus knew who he was and what his calling was. He had the self-control to stay focused on this purpose and to refrain from sinning (Matthew 4:1-11).
  • Jesus allowed men to kill him because it was God’s plan and purpose, but only at the appointed time and not before. And to protect himself before it was time for him to die, he frequently withdrew from crowds who wanted to kill him (Matthew 12:14-15, John 17:1-5).
  • Jesus was able to detach from people’s lies, tricks, schemes, and manipulations because he knew what was in their (John 2:23-25).
  • Jesus spoke the truth assertively and confrontationally. He wasn’t afraid to get to the heart of the matter and even called people names to get his point across (Matthew 23).

Jesus practiced effective, strong, consistent boundaries. If you model your boundaries after his, you will do well.

By Karla Downing


Relationship Devotional Prayer


Help me to embrace the truth that boundaries are biblical and approved by you. Help me to know and set my own boundaries.


Relationship Devotional Challenge


  • Model your boundaries after Jesus’ boundaries.


Scripture Meditation

Look up and read the Scriptures that show Jesus had boundaries: Luke 2:46-50, Matthew 14:23, Matthew 4:1-11, Matthew 12:14-15, John 17:1-5, Luke 2:23-25 and Matthew 23.