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Archive for the 'Dysfunctional Dynamics' Category

Changing Dysfunctional Rules to Functional Rules

Tuesday, November 11th, 2014
Dysfunctional families operate on dysfunctional rules. These rules aren’t necessarily spoken, yet everyone knows how to follow them. These rules continue to make the interactions unhealthy. There are some very…
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Dealing with Emotional Blackmailers

Friday, October 17th, 2014
Emotional blackmailers purposefully evoke an emotion in you by threatening to do something that they know you do not want. They are skilled at identifying the things that will make…
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How Not to Let a Crazymaker Make You Crazy

Monday, September 15th, 2014
Do you know someone who can make you feel crazy even though you are normally sane? Then you are dealing with a crazymaker. A crazymaker is skilled at doing the…
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