Christian Relationship Advice When Help is Needed

Current and Upcoming Classes

All classes were written by Karla Downing. Several of the classes use Karla’s books.

Classes are also available under “Video Studies” and “Audio Studies” to do on your own.

Studies are also available for you to purchase for use in your church or home.


Click on a class title to get more information.

Transforming Difficult Relationships In-Person and Zoom Study

Healing the Wounds of Your Past In-Person Class

Healing the Wounds of Your Past Zoom Study

Women Thriving in Difficult Marriages Zoom Study

Women Thriving in Difficult Marriages In-Person Study

The Truth in the Mirror In-Person and Zoom Study

Boundaries: Setting Healthy Relationship Limits Zoom Study

Dealing with Difficult People Zoom Study

My Aspie & Me 10 Lifesaving Principles for Women in Difficult Marriages Zoom Study

Managing Your Anger Before Your Anger Manages You Zoom Study


Spanish Resources



Other Classes

Other People Teaching Karla’s Classes at Their Churches and Homes